I'm loving it!

That's all I have to say.
Well, basically it's perfect, even if I'm in 31 degrees and sunny weather with only thick cardigans and jeans (I guess that's what happens when you get impulsive (or desperate?)).
Yesterday got spent at a local restaurant and a local pub, with some even more local rum&coke. =) And I even have a place to stay now. Perfect I say.
And I might have forgot to tell you that during our carride from Agra to Delhi, we hit a cow. Yes, we hit it with the front of the car and the cow fell over and rolled around on the street. Luckily it got up and we got going again, but the fact that I forgot to mention it shows how chaotic the whole day was from beginning to end.

India for NYE?

I still don't know what to do over new years eve! I registered on lonely planet and travbuddy, to see if I could find some nice people to travel with for my 2 weeks in India, but to be honest the whole thing just seems like an incredibly bad datingsite!

One guy wanted to take me on a 2 week tour on his scooter, quoting: "I think the tourists visiting my country are like God, so we should help them as much as we can without any personal benifit.", and "I can be with you during your trip.." ???

Another guy with the lovely name "yummyman" said that he and his mate will be in Delhi for NYE, if I wanted to join. And a guy with the name "handsomeflirty" wanted to invite me to a private new years party in delhi, and, quoting "if we would like each others company then I can go along with you to jaipur."

I don't know about you but I'm getting a bit scared.

The holy cow

It's been a pretty ordinary week (in nepali standard), painting a seaworld on the wall at the hospital. It's even better than the djungle!!!

On my way over here, to the internetplace, I thought about getting some moore money from the atm... I quickly changed my mind though when I saw that a big fat cow had parked in front of the door to the atm. What to do?


Must be nice to be a doctor in Nepal when you can blame on 'evil spirits' when a patient dies.... not even considering that it might be due to wrong treatment or late treatment.

In the emergency you can also read some "very important health advice!!!" as:
- always answer your phone with left ear
- never take medicine with cool water
- best sleeping time is between 10pm and 6am
- stay away from hand phone chargers
and more....

So, stay away from those hand phone chargers now, will you!

Crappy Internet

I had a grand plan of uploading pictures today... but I did forget that the internet is not made for challenges like that here in the outskirts of Kathmandu. Nor are the computers.

There's this new volunteer at the hospital (and he also lives in the same hostfamily) and he's driving me crazy! He's got the social skills of a cat, and the concentration spam of an elephant with adhd. He really doesn't seem to understand that nepali people will try to get as much money from you as possible... which is why it's an incredibly stupid idea to sit with a touristmap in the microbus when we're trying to pay the same amount for the bus as the locals. Stupid person. And he's apparently my responsibility.

Todays highlight however, was the big wallpainting we made at the hospital! A jungle! You have to see pictures of it cause it's amazing!


I'm back!!! I bet you all missed me!
I'm back in Thamel, with fast internet, bars, beer, softer beds (as in more than just a blanket to sleep on) and A LOT of people! After a week of beeing the oddball in the microbus, it was nice to see some white people and go out dancing. We met the owner of the bar and got some (many) free drinks, met some nice people and had a good time. After that we went to an other bar that was closed (but a friend new the owner) and we had to hide on the roof for a long time when the police searched the area (cause the barowner would have gone to jail if they'd found all of us in there after closing).

It's also very nice not getting lost all of the time - since streets don't have any names maps are useless - and only one of about 20 streets are acctually on the map. It's crazy. Plus I got faceraped by some Monks today - they forced red paint in my forehead and lots of flowers in my hair, and wanted me to pay for that shit. Thank God for wetwipes.

I'll try to get some pictures loaded tomorrow - so drop by. Same place, different time.

Day 2

So much for my "cleaning my liver and getting a bit more sober"-project: I found my self in an irish pub yesterday evening (my first evening in Nepal) drinking Everest-beer... So far, so good. Or not?
I also got told today that I will get 25 years of jailtime if I kill a cow (note to self: do not kill a cow!), my question is simply why that person felt he needed to tell me that? Do I fit the profile of a cow-killer?!


It's never nice to say goodbye to so many wonderful people.
Can someone remind me why I'm doing this again?
Same flummish person, different day.

I´m back

Shit shit shit! It's so soon! And I really really want to go, and leave everything behind, but at the same time I can't help thinking how easy everything would be if I simply stayed in the comfort of my own home. Easy, and probably boring.
But, now it´s off to bed since I have to be at work 6 o´clock tomorrow... (Nepal just better be worth it!).

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