India for NYE?

I still don't know what to do over new years eve! I registered on lonely planet and travbuddy, to see if I could find some nice people to travel with for my 2 weeks in India, but to be honest the whole thing just seems like an incredibly bad datingsite!

One guy wanted to take me on a 2 week tour on his scooter, quoting: "I think the tourists visiting my country are like God, so we should help them as much as we can without any personal benifit.", and "I can be with you during your trip.." ???

Another guy with the lovely name "yummyman" said that he and his mate will be in Delhi for NYE, if I wanted to join. And a guy with the name "handsomeflirty" wanted to invite me to a private new years party in delhi, and, quoting "if we would like each others company then I can go along with you to jaipur."

I don't know about you but I'm getting a bit scared.

Postat av: yster

....nou nou nou. Big no No. Jag tycker d där låter jätteskrämmande!!!!! Hellre hjälper jag till o sponsrar en del av ditt biljettbyte... kanske som en del av din julklapp? Låter ju helt galna. Vem söker resesällskap med smeknamn "yumyum man"?????

2010-12-17 @ 20:43:31
Postat av: Susanna

Very BAAAAAAD!! Bidrar gärna i biljettbyte också.. Uch.. Vilka typer??!! Sköt om dig gumman!!

2010-12-20 @ 07:22:06
Postat av: Nina

HaHaHa! Det lyder da som om du kan få dig en flirt eller to i det indiske?! HaHa! Jeg er fuldstændig færdig af grin! Du må lige love mig at du ikke springer på yummyman så snart vi ikke har et øje på dig.

2010-12-21 @ 19:42:30

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