On the Wild Side

Well, our trip to the Monastery Namobuddha didn't really go according to plan last weekend... We took a bus to Dhulikel and from there it's supposed to be a 3 hour walk to Namobuddha. After nearly 4 hours though, walking over one hour in the dark in the mountains, we didn't see anything that looked like a monastery!
We asked an old nice man how much further it was, but after some struggeling with a phrasebook and a headtorch we were sitting in a teahut in this old mans village - apparently totally lost and still 4 hours away from Namobuddha!!!
The whole village gathered to watch us and hear the latest gossip (people even peaked through the windows cause there was no more room in the little hut), and we spent the night in a nepalifamilys home, in one small and very hard bed. With a big rat in the room (I'm convinced it was the size of a cat!), maybe the familypet?

Anyways, after breakfast we headed home without visiting Namobuddha, riding on the top of the bus cause there was no more room inside! I can tell you that the steep sides of the mountainroads seemed a lot more scary when sitting on top of a bus!

Postat av: pran

hello, i had a similar experience in one of my trips to nepal....

and ya the rats that u have mentioned..oh my I am scared of them ..i was planning to go to india this monthend... GOD save me from the rats there..

2010-12-12 @ 00:00:18

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