
So it's already 1st of December, and the christmas spirit is rising.... no, not really. This will become the most unusual christmas for me I'm sure. Just hoping that my family back home will survive a christmas without me!
Talking about survival - I will spend my christmas canoeing on a lake filled with hungry crocodiles, and walking in the jungle trying not to be trampled to death by rhinos. It might have slipped my mind to inform my parents about that (sorry).

Postat av: yster

hahahhahaaaa :) Jaaaa-ah.. jul utan dej... hmmm... nå vi har större frihet att frångå traditionerna i alla fall, hahhaa, så vi kanske slår på stort å grillar korv istället :D

2010-12-01 @ 19:36:39
Postat av: Andrea

jul i vasa utan en saija, känns ju helkonstigt! blä gosh sluta.. krokodiler.

2010-12-01 @ 21:03:18
Postat av: pran

oh my thats a new way of celebrating christmas....

its been a while i have celebrated it in style as i work and stay in dubai where most people celebrate Id, etc...

but this year i would be busy making preparations for my tour to india...hope to spend the newyear in style..haha m alone i guess, but ya would go to a disc or a nice restaurants out there...m reading lonely planet for the places out there...

and yeah call up ur parents once in a while as they would be concerned..i have gone thru ur blogs and have read about ur adventures in nepal...its been long since u r out and people back home would be concerned... (-o-)

Do drop in a mail as i donot have a blog out here...tell me how was ur forest experience!!!

email: s o u l m a t e s p @ y a h o o . c o m

2010-12-12 @ 00:14:35

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